TOPJOY independently owns all the contents of web pages (including but not limited to words, pictures, trademarks, website templates, business information). All intellectual property rights of all content and services for the development of or share with others the ownership or the right to use, these content and services by intellectual property law, applicable copyright, trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and the law. site strictly comply with the copyright law of the People's Republic of China, without any clear written permission of TOPJOY, no person can copy or mirror on the server belonging to non  website for any content on the website.
With respect to trademarks and quasi trademarks such as "TOPJOY" and "TOPJOY GROUP", no person shall use it without the written written permission of TOPJOY.
TOPJOY will resolutely investigate any act infringing the company's copyright or trademark right.
Hereby declare.

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